As a modern studio art jeweler, I still use mainly hand tools that need no power at all. Sawing, filing, and hammering are key operations executed by my own strength. Electricity is needed mainly for minor and intermittent task lighting and computer use.
For years, I operated in a space without running water.
My current space does have a sink. I need only a few gallons of water per week, use biodegradable soap and redirect grey water into my garden.
I do use gas, propane and oxygen, to solder and fuse metal components together, but one bottle of 5 gallons lasts me a full year!
My use of chemicals is also minimal, as I am aware that I do not want to expose my body or our environment to them. Only small amounts of diluted sulphuric acid, later easily neutralized with baking soda and Liver of Sulphur (found in eggs) are regularly used to create my jewelry.
Daily operations of my office are transitioning, as business contacts are choosing to switch to on-line communications. My advertising and communication is predominantly via e-mail, photography is digital, art show application, etc are on-line. Scrap paper is utilized for sketches of new designs. Most of what I buy is “green”.
I purchase my silver and gold from certified green suppliers, such as Academy Corporation and Hoover and Strong. All precious metal scraps in the making of my work are collected and reclaimed for use in the future works.
When you receive a package from me, you will find previously used packaging materials. I save all clean and usable wrapping materials and reuse it for my shipping needs. Anything I can no longer use, is separated, diverted to other worthy uses, or recycled. |